
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Marz's Birth Story

It really blows my mind that it's already been 12 weeks since we first laid eyes on our sweet baby boy.  I have been floating around on heavy dose of cloud 9 with a side of caffeine.  

I began having contractions on Sunday, April 19th.  I didn't think much of it because the girls were both 2 weeks overdue, so I was banking that this pregnancy would be the same.  My original due date was April 20th, but our doctor ended up pushing it to April 24th because of the measurements from my ultrasounds.  The doctor actually wanted change the due date to April 28th, but I begged for them to meet me halfway.  It sounds ridiculous, but when you're 9 months pregnant just a day makes a huge difference.  Also, I knew that they would use the due date to determine an induction date, if I would need one.

So, once I felt the contractions on the 19th, I told Marvin that we better get to Target to pick up baby stuff, nursing supplies, snacks and a new robe for me.  Yeah, I was completely behind in being prepared because I was convinced Marz was going to be late.  We picked up everything we needed and then went home to pack our hospital bags "just in case".  

Monday, April 20th, I felt like the contractions were coming more frequently, so I started timing the contractions. After my mom and Marvin's constant encouragement to get to the hospital, I finally caved and went that evening. I ended up being sent home after a few hours with a sleeping pill, 2 sleepy girls, and a frustrated husband. The girls were such troopers! They spent hours in the waiting room while I was monitored and walked through the halls. The sleeping pill was the worst decision ever, but made for some hilarious stories that I heard about later and have absolutely no recollection of. :) 

Of course, my contractions went into overdrive in the middle of the night - ya know, just when the sleeping pill is supposed to be doing its thang. 
Taken the morning I gave birth to Marz // 40 weeks + 1 day
Marvin called my doctor's office early Tuesday morning and they advised us to come in to be checked.  As soon as we walked into the office, it finally sank in that I might actually be in active labor because of all the concerned looks I was given by staff and other patients.  It's funny looking back at it now - I can only imagined what I looked like - a zombie in labor.  I saw my doctor right away who checked me and I was 6 centimeters and told us to go directly to the hospital - he would let them know I was coming and to admit me.  I was shocked that I was already 6 cm!  That morning our doctor wasn't at our normal office location, but it happened to be right across the street from the hospital (hallelujah!).  We went across the street, headed to the Labor & Delivery floor, and was hooked up to an IV.  The nurse checked me again and I was 8cm.  Marvin and I couldn't believe I moved to 8cm within 20 minutes!  The nurses and doctor advised us that we would have our baby that afternoon.  My water broke while I was laying in the bed talking to Marvin.  It was the craziest feeling.  With the girls, my waters never broke naturally.  The afternoon came and went, evening came and went and I was still hanging out at 8cm.  I started getting concerned at stalling and I really didn't want to get any Pitocin.  I had gotten this far by myself that I was bummed when it was finally suggested that I start a low dose of Pitocin.  Once the Pitocin got into my system, I quickly hit 10cm, but the doctor stalled pushing because Marz wasn't low enough at that point. That was surprising considering the amount of pain I was in from the time I was 5 months pregnant and my regular doctor had told me at each of my prenatal appointments that the baby was "really low".   

It was finally time to start pushing at 9:40pm. The nurse asked Marvin to hold my left leg while she held my right, so I could start pushing.  This part is hilarious when Marvin retells the story since he had pictured being up by my head during this time.  He was so great during the whole process.  He gave me so much encouragement.  I was so exhausted at this point between being awake for so many hours and labor, so his encouragement and enthusiasm really got me through the next 22 minutes.  Marvin tells everyone that I turned into the Incredible Hulk during pushing and that he didn't realize there could be so many veins in my face - haha!  But this Incredible Hulk pushed Baby Hulk out before the doctor was completely dressed in his scrubs.  The doctor literally had to come running over to "catch" our son.

Marz Hawk McNutt was born at 10:02pm and a surge of happiness, love, and gratitude to our Lord & Savior came over me.  Marz was immediately placed on my chest where he nestled in for a few minutes and then raised his head to look at me!  The surge of so many happy emotions came over me. After just a few minutes, he began the rooting reflex (helps a breastfed infant find the mother's nipple).  I saw this happen on a documentary I had watched about the benefits of skin-to-skin, but I was still an awe when it actually happened to us.  He began "pecking" all the way down until he found my breast and began to feed.  Just like that.  It was amazing. I loved being able to experience this style of skin-to-skin.  My previous babies were taken to get weighed, measured, and washed up before they were handed to me.  I had no idea how awesome it would feel to have Marz skin-to-skin with me for an hour.  It's a moment I will cherish forever.  And just when I thought my heart couldn't swell anymore, I handed Marz to Marvin for the first time and when I saw Marvin's face...there are no words. Marvin was so proud and I fell even more in love with my husband.  I didn't sleep at all that night.  I just kept staring at the little miracle in our room and thanking God for giving me such a gift and all the previous gifts and gifts to come. He is so good!!

I couldn't wait for all three (THREE!) of my kids to be together! Marvin brought the girls to the hospital the next morning.  The girls were so sweet with their little brother and the five of us hung out and loved on our new baby the rest of the day.

The next day we were discharged from the hospital and greeted at home by Paris, Sophia, and my sister Jenna.  She was such a huge help during our first week at home.  We were so blessed that she was able to come help out.  Following her visit, Marvin's parents came to Charlotte to meet Marz, spoil the girls, and continue to help around the house.  After they left, my mom and brother visited for a week.  We hadn't seen them for over a year, so it was a very nice reunion! Marvin and I even got a chance to sneak in a little date night.

This little boy has brought our home more happiness (and sleepless nights) than I ever could have imagined. My heart is overflowing and family of five looks pretty good on us! ;)

Tuesday, March 17, 2015
Lil Baby Nutt // 35 weeks

How far along: 35 weeks & 1 day
Gender: Boy!
Milestone: We had a "surprise" ultrasound last week to measure baby's growth.  My fundal height was measuring low, so the doctor wanted to make sure baby's growth and my fluids were okay.  Everything checked out great! Baby is estimated weighing 4 lbs 10oz and long according to his femur measurement.  Our doctor is estimating that he will be in the 6 lb. range at birth.  The picture above is the best we got because he spent most of the time hiding his face behind his umbilical cord and sucking his thumb.  :)  He stuck his tongue out a couple of times and even flashed a little smirk!  It was amazing to see him in action and it made us even more excited for his arrival!  He's also "head down".
Weight gain: 17 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Yes and stretching out a few regular shirts.
Belly button in or outInnie
Sleep: Depends on the night, but I've had some pretty good nights lately!
Best Moment This Week: Over the past couple of weeks.... Our ultrasound, celebrating our one year wedding anniversary, laughing hysterically at absolutely nothing (hormones!), gorgeous weather and shopping for Lil Baby Nutt.
Worst Moment This Week: I wouldn't say it's a "worst" but starting to feel overwhelmed with preparations for baby as we get closer and closer to delivery day!
Miss anything: Not getting blasted in the ribs! And an icy cold green beer to celebrate St. Patty's day!
Movement: All the time. He never stops moving!
Cravings: Sweet tea and Sonic ice.
Queasy or sick: Nope!
Looking forward to: This week we have two birthing classes to complete and Sophia's school play that she tried out for a few months ago is on Friday & Saturday.  She's been working so hard and I can't wait to see her in action!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  We started our morning off with green pancakes, as usual! :)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Lil Baby Nutt // 32 weeks
Other Ramblings

I skipped taking a photo for 31 weeks, but I didn't completely fail...the chalkboard was completed.  We were all sick last week and I couldn't find the energy to even take a picture.  Here's a picture of the 31 week chalkboard - anyone else still obsessed with Mark Ronson's "Uptown Funk"?

How far along: 32 weeks & 2 days
Gender: Boy!
Milestone: Baby should be about 18 inches and 4 lbs. Baby's favorite activities include sucking his thumb, hiccups, and "swimming" like crazy.
Weight gain: 14 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Still mixing in maternity and regular clothes, but mostly maternity.
Belly button in or outStill an innie.
Sleep: Once I'm asleep, I'm sleeping great. But now I've been dealing with the worst insomnia and it's kicking my ass, but I am loving re-watching Gossip Girl on Netflix. :)
Best Moment This Week: Everyone feeling a little bit better - we all had bad colds and Sophia ended up with a high fever for a day.  Between teacher workdays and weather related cancelations, the girls were off from school for a week.  We all had a bit of cabin fever, so it felt good to get back to our routine on Monday.  Charlotte is expecting snow again tonight.  I have a feeling we may have a repeat of last week since anything over a trace of snow causes this city to SHUT DOWN. Being from Iowa, this completely cracks me up!  It was fun to see a bit of snow last week and the girls are hoping more accumulates this go-around so they can actually play in it.
Worst Moment This Week: Insomnia every single night.
Miss anything: Warm weather & my energy/sleep.
Movement: Yes, out of control movement - starting to distinguish different body parts moving.
Cravings: I've been having popsicles every night before bed. 
Queasy or sick: Feeling pretty good.
Looking forward to: My doctor's appointment on Friday, warm weather, and having this little man in my arms!

Friday, February 13, 2015
Lil Baby Nutt // 30 weeks

Happy (early) Valentine's Day!
How far along: 30 weeks & 4 days - 10 weeks to go, how crazy is that?
Gender: Boy!
Milestone: Baby should be adding about a half a pound each week at this point until birth.  Baby is about the size of a cantaloupe. The doctor said baby is head down!  There's still some time left that he could flip, but the doctor said that about 34 weeks we will know for sure if he's staying head down.
Weight gain: 14 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Yep. Tried on the last pair of "real" jeans that I've been able to wear and they no longer button.
Belly button in or outStill an innie.
Sleep: Getting better - dreams are crazy again.  
Best Moment This Week: The girls both brought home report cards that we are proud of! Also, the BBQ that I mentioned in my last post was the perfect family day and has me looking forward to spring/summer weather!
Worst Moment This Week: Nothing is sticking out, so score!
Miss anything: Red, red wiiiiiine and cold turkey sandwich cravings are back.
Movement: Jabs & rolls...feeling some really crazy movement.
Cravings: A big healthy salad sounds so delicious right now. I've been in a sugar rut and it's time to clean up my act.
Queasy or sick: Feeling pretty good - I've been exhausted this week though.
Looking forward to: Some Valentine's day fun & warmer weather (we have a cold front coming our way, but I'm praying it's the last one!) 
Sunday, February 8, 2015
Lil Baby Nutt // 29 weeks

How far along: 29 weeks & 6 days
Gender: Boy!
Milestone: Baby is about the size of a butternut squash.
Weight gain: 14 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Mostly maternity clothes or Marvin's sweats :)
Belly button in or outStill an innie.
Sleep: Sleeping is getting better.
Best Moment This Week: Passing my glucose test (Thank God! See those cravings up there? I'd be a miserable girl if I would have failed it!), getting a surprise package in the mail from my mom with some maternity basics, and feeling some relief from the pelvic pain I've been experiencing.  The doctor that I met with said that it may begin to ease a bit as my uterus gets bigger. The ligaments in my pelvic muscle are really loose, so once my uterus gets larger, it will fill it out more and become more stabilized....or something like that :)  Also, the first stranger asked me how far along I was today - finally!
Worst Moment This Week: It's been an emotional week, but our church service today focused on emotions and it kicked my butt into gear. God is always right on time.
Miss anything: Not really.
Movement: So. Much. Movement.
Cravings: See above :) Thank goodness I have SOME self-control. 
Queasy or sick: Not a fan of pizza lately.
Looking forward to: Marvin is grilling right now, so I'm looking forward to a juicy burger and spending the rest of the day outside enjoying the 70 degree weather, blue sky, and blazing sun!
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Lil Baby Nutt // 28 weeks

How far along: 28 weeks & 3 days
Gender: Boy!
Milestone: He's getting better at controlling his own body temperature and is increasing his body fat.  
Weight gain: 11 lbs. Next week I have a checkup and this should jump because there's some definite growth and I've had a hefty appetite! I'll also have my glucose test and my RhoGAM shot because my blood is Rh-Negative.  The shot prevents my body from producing antibodies against the baby's blood.  I'll get another dose after delivery as I'll be exposed to baby's blood - unless he decides to be like mama and is Rh-Negative too. :)
Maternity clothes: Still working between maternity and regular clothes.  However, this baby boy is GROWING, so I think I'll be in full-time maternity clothes in the next few weeks.
Belly button in or outStill an innie.
Sleep: Sleeping is good, but moving to different positions during the night is brutal.  I literally started crying the other night because I was in so much pain.
Best Moment This Week: Our washer finally getting fixed! Somehow it switched over to a "continuous run factory setting" and it took two technicians to figure out the issue.
Worst Moment This Week: The mounds of laundry I have to get done. Almost there!
Miss anything: Not feeling like I'm a beached whale a turtle on its shell 97 years old when I get out of bed. 
Movement: Always and oh so strong!
Cravings: Nothing really. 
Queasy or sick: Not sick
Looking forward to: Getting some things marked off our "to do before baby" list this weekend.
Tuesday, January 21, 2015
Lil Baby Nutt // 27 weeks

How far along: 27 weeks & 2 days
Gender: Boy!
Milestone: Baby's organ systems are pretty much fully-developed, so most growth and progression is now taking place in his brain.
Weight gain: 11 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Still working between maternity and regular clothes.
Belly button in or outStill an innie.
Sleep: Sleeping has gotten better. Marvin has been waking up every time I move and sticks his arm to help me with my 5-point turns as I rollover. Haha!
Best Moment This Week: Gorgeous 60 degree weather in Charlotte - we are ready for you, Spring!  Also, I found an awesome documentary called "The Business of Being Born" that I was instantly hooked on. Great info!
Worst Moment This Week: This last week was just a bit crazy with Marvin away on a business trip, but it wasn't the "worst" was comical though and exhausting. 
Miss anything: Bras that fit. Time to go shopping. ASAP.
Movement: Lots of it - hitting my ribs, bladder, and everything in between.
Cravings: Cold oranges & water.
Queasy or sick: Not sick
Looking forward to: Right now, bedtime. :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Lil Baby Nutt // 26 weeks

How far along: 26 weeks & 1 day...97 days til my due date!
Gender: Boy!
Milestone: Baby's ears are more sensitive, eyes are beginning to open, he is inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, and putting on fat.  He is approximately 1 2/3 lbs. and measures 14 inches.
Weight gain: 11 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Still working between maternity and regular clothes.
Belly button in or out: In, but it's getting pretty shallow.
Sleep: Sleeping sucks.
Best Moment This Week: Hearing baby boy's heartbeat at my appointment yesterday (145 bpm) and the doctor took my fundal height measurement (distance between pubic bone to the top of the uterus in centimeters) for the first time and we are measuring right on track!
Worst Moment This Week:  LOTS of pressure and an ugly little waddle if I sit for too long. I didn't have this issue when I was pregnant with the girls and when I brought it up to my doctor, his response was, "Welcome to baby #3!"...thanks, Doc!
Miss anything: Cue last week's answer: Breathing with ease, being comfortable, and sleeping through the night. 
Movement: Lots of it - hitting my ribs, bladder, and everything in between.
CravingsThe past few days have been filled with cold oranges and whole wheat bread with peanut butter and sliced strawberries.
Queasy or sick: Not sick, but uncomfortable.
Looking forward to: Birthing classes, checking things off our "things to get done before baby gets here" list, making more lists, organizing freezer meals for after baby is born, and warmer weather!

Friday, January 9, 2015
Lil Baby Nutt // 25 weeks

How far along: 25 weeks & 4 days
Gender: Boy!
Weight gain: 10 lbs. I have my 26 week doctor's appointment on Monday, so this is number probably isn't accurate right now. Annnnd I'm a little behind with this week's update. :)
Maternity clothes: Still working between maternity and regular clothes.
Belly button in or out: In, but it's getting pretty shallow.
Sleep: Sleeping sucks.
Best Moment This Week: The kids returning to school? :) We had a great 2-week winter break, but it is nice to get back to our regular routine.  Also, we took our hospital tour.  I'm more at ease with delivering at a new (to me) hospital and I was happy with their procedures/practices.  I'm just a little worried about the travel time to get to the hospital!
Worst Moment This Week: The Polar Vortex! We woke up yesterday to frozen pipes that thankfully thawed out by late evening without any damage. The girls thought they would be able to skip school since we didn't have water to brush teeth, wash our face, etc. My brilliant idea of melting the ice we had in our freezer sent their eyes rolling and their cute selfs to school. :) 
Miss anything: Breathing with ease, being comfortable, and sleeping through the night.
Movement: Lots of it!
CravingsStill Chipotle salad, fruity cereal with cold milk, and ice cream.
Queasy or sick: Not sick, but this week has been uncomfortable.
Looking forward to: Next month's birthing classes and starting to get our nursery plans solidified!

Thursday, January 1, 2015
A Look Back at 2014

Happy New Year! I'm looking forward to all that 2015 has in store for our family.  The past year has been a year of growth, trials, triumphs, blessings, and twists & turns.  I am so thankful for God's mercy and grace that has carried me and my family through this year.  Going into 2015, I see great opportunity and growth for all of us.  I wanted to take a look back at my fondest memories of 2014 as I choose to stand happy and in thanks for all of our blessings.

We started off visiting Marvin in Charlotte, NC to ring in the 2014 New Year together.  Marvin later joined us in Iowa when his work was complete in Charlotte and we began finalizing our wedding plans.  In late January, my mom and my sister threw me a beautiful wedding shower.  In February, we celebrated our bachelor/bachelorette parties with our close friends in Vegas!

March 15, 2014 - Marvin & I got married in Iowa!

Our wedding day was magical and then we were off to Cancun for our honeymoon! We had beach days, swam with dolphins, got massages, a barefoot dinner on the beach, took walks on the beach, slept in a cabana, and had the most romantic boat ride under the stars with a lobster dinner.

When we got back, we took Paris, Sophia, and my youngest sister to Mall Of America for a quick getaway and to give my mom a break! She helped tremendously with our wedding and watched the girls while we were honeymooning.

Marvin headed back to Charlotte to look for a house and get back to work while the girls and I stayed in Iowa for a couple more weeks.  We packed up our UHaul and during their scheduled spring break, the girls and I drove 17 hours to Charlotte! I don't think I've ever been so excited to pull into a driveway after that adventure. :)

The girls started school in Charlotte, made new friends at school and in our neighborhood, and worked hard to get into the new routine at a new school. They did awesome and before we knew it, we were shopping for Paris' 5th grade graduation dress. She looked beautiful and we officially had a middle schooler!

We kicked off summer vacation by celebrating Sophia's golden birthday that happened to fall on the last day of school! We surprised her with a trip to Disney World which was the definite highlight of our summer!

When we got back from Disney, we celebrated Marvin's birthday, the 4th of July, and my grandparents came to visit!

The rest of our summer was filled with checking off our McNutt Summer Live List, grilling out, exploring our new city, and a visit from my in-laws!

We found our church home, Elevation, in Charlotte during the summer and participated in Love Week. This week was really life changing for me and I'll be forever grateful for it.  You can read more about my experience here.  Paris attended Student Takeover camp hosted by Elevation.  It was her first time at an overnight camp and she had a great time.  She was able to bond with her youth group and praise with other students her age.

We closed out summer with Paris' birthday celebration, followed by the first day of school.

In early fall, we found that we were expecting a baby in April 2015!
The fall was filled with excitement over our new blessing and our typical fall traditions.  We also got a surprise visit from my sister, Jenna!  The girls dressed up as the iPhone Emoji Girls which I'm still dying over! :)

Paris and Sophia found out in October that they were going to welcome a baby BROTHER in April!

The rest of our year was spent celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas.  Our holiday season was filled with lots of love and memories.

Happy 2015, Friends & Family! We love you!