Friday, November 28, 2014
Helping Holiday Hands
I hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving! Last year I cooked our Thanksgiving meal in a hotel room in Charlotte, so I was very thankful to be cooking in a full-size kitchen in our home. We started our morning with our usual tradition of watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade while eating breakfast. I began cooking during the parade with glances into the living room to see the floats and witness the arrival of Santa Claus!
I made great timing this year with all of our dishes, so we sat down to eat around 2pm. Everyone had their Turkey Ticket that earned them a place at the dinner table. ;) The Turkey Ticket this year was 27 things we are thankful for. Paris set a beautiful table for us and Sophia arranged our Turkey Tickets to the wall - I was so proud of both of them.
We have many things to be thankful for and all thanks goes to God.
If you follow me on Instagram (@brittneymcnutt), you may have noticed a post I made a few days ago regarding Helping Holiday Hands (#helpingholidayhands). I'd like to encourage everyone to join in by preforming an act of kindness - big or small - during the holiday season and post it to Instagram using the hashtag #helpingholidayhands. Then, tag a few friends to challenge them as well! It will be fun to see what y'all are up to and hopefully motivate others to participate. We started on Wednesday by providing breakfast for those in need waiting outside for financial assistance. We brought Paris & Sophia along too. It's so great to serve others with your children! They feel great about what they were doing and I pray that they continue to do it when they're adults and have children of their own.
Today we headed out as a family again to share our Thanksgiving meal with the homeless. I always end up making way too much food, so we packed up some of our leftovers into mason jars and attached a plastic fork. We drove around the city passing them out. It feels good to know they had a warm, home cooked meal tonight.
Here's a quick list of a few ideas you can do:
-Goodwill/Salvation Army Donations
-Bring coffee to a friend
-Donate a gift at Toys for Tots
-Shovel snow for a neighbor
-Feed a parking meter
-Volunteer at a homeless shelter
-Donate to a food bank
-Send Christmas cards to troops
-Visit a children's hospital
-Leave an encouraging note
-Pick up litter
-Hold the door open
-Help carry groceries
-Smile at a stranger
-Pray with someone
-Help your sibling or parents with a chore
-Donate a coat, hat, mittens, etc.
-Have a potluck
-Deliver cookies to neighbors
-Volunteer at a school
-Organize a clothing or food drive
-Adopt a family in need of Christmas gifts
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