
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Lil Baby Nutt // 26 weeks

How far along: 26 weeks & 1 day...97 days til my due date!
Gender: Boy!
Milestone: Baby's ears are more sensitive, eyes are beginning to open, he is inhaling and exhaling amniotic fluid, and putting on fat.  He is approximately 1 2/3 lbs. and measures 14 inches.
Weight gain: 11 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Still working between maternity and regular clothes.
Belly button in or out: In, but it's getting pretty shallow.
Sleep: Sleeping sucks.
Best Moment This Week: Hearing baby boy's heartbeat at my appointment yesterday (145 bpm) and the doctor took my fundal height measurement (distance between pubic bone to the top of the uterus in centimeters) for the first time and we are measuring right on track!
Worst Moment This Week:  LOTS of pressure and an ugly little waddle if I sit for too long. I didn't have this issue when I was pregnant with the girls and when I brought it up to my doctor, his response was, "Welcome to baby #3!"...thanks, Doc!
Miss anything: Cue last week's answer: Breathing with ease, being comfortable, and sleeping through the night. 
Movement: Lots of it - hitting my ribs, bladder, and everything in between.
CravingsThe past few days have been filled with cold oranges and whole wheat bread with peanut butter and sliced strawberries.
Queasy or sick: Not sick, but uncomfortable.
Looking forward to: Birthing classes, checking things off our "things to get done before baby gets here" list, making more lists, organizing freezer meals for after baby is born, and warmer weather!

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