
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Lil Baby Nutt // 24 weeks

How far along: 24 weeks & 2 days
Gender: Boy! According to my pregnancy app, baby is about 13 inches long, the size of an eggplant, and weighs about 1.5 lbs.  Baby also has eyebrows, lashes, and hair coming in!
Weight gain: 10 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Half & half
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Sleep has been rough this week. I wake up often throughout the night because I'm uncomfortable and then my mind races with all the things we need to get done before baby's arrival. However, I have been sleeping in until 9 or 10 now that the kids are on winter break.
Best Moment This Week: We had a fun and relaxing Christmas.  It was full of blessings and probably my favorite Christmas we've had!
Worst Moment This Week: While we were at church, our Pastor began talking about the new year and suddenly I could not remember what year we were going into. Was it 2015 or 2016? I was confident that it was 2016, but I leaned over to Marvin to ask him just to be sure.  Well, the laughter that he let out let me know that my pregnancy brain had conquered again.  
Miss anything: Breathing with ease.
Movement: Heavy kicks with an established routine.  He's very active bright and early in the morning and late at night.
CravingsStill Chipotle salad and recently vanilla ice cream at night.
Queasy or sick: Feeling good.
Looking forward to: APRIL. Too soon? :) Our hospital tour on Saturday and a fresh new year with new beginnings! Cheers to 2015!

Monday, December 23, 2014
Lil Baby Nutt // 23 weeks

How far along: 23 weeks
Gender: Boy!
Weight gain: 10 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Half & half
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good - I wake up a few times throughout the night to change positions. 
Best Moment This Week: My birthday! I was seriously spoiled by friends & family.  Thank you to everyone who wished me well and celebrated with an adult beverage for me. ;) Marvin and the girls made my birthday very special, so a very special "thank you" to the three of them.  I woke up to a living room filled with handmade paper snowflakes, coffee, and pancakes. Marvin made an insanely delicious dinner - steak, grilled asparagus, and mashed potatoes - followed by a homemade apple cinnamon cake. It was so good! There are pictures below from my birthday!
Worst Moment This Week: Just some soreness - nothing too bad.
Miss anything: MY MOM :) I haven't seen her since March - thank God for technology.
Movement: Everyday!
CravingsChipotle salad, chipotle salad, chipotle salad with extra pico….and sugary cereal at night.
Queasy or sick: Nothing is making me feel sick...feeling pretty good for the most part.
Looking forward to: Christmas Eve, Church, Christmas morning, and creating a little more Christmas magic before it's all over. :)

Monday, December 15, 2014
Lil Baby Nutt // 22 weeks

How far along: 22 weeks
Gender: Boy!
Weight gain: 4 lbs...I'll find out tomorrow the damage over the last month. That appointment I thought I had last Thursday is actually tomorrow. My pregnancy brain is beyond out of control. My mom is suggesting baby boy is going to be a genius because he's taking away whatever smarts I had. :)
Maternity clothes: Same as previous week - not needing maternity clothes. Sticking mainly to leggings or sweats for comfort reasons.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Sleeping pretty good - I wake up a few times throughout the night to change positions. 
Best Moment This Week: Paris and Sophia both had a chance to feel their little brother kick! Paris was full of excitement and awe, whereas Sophia was less than impressed. 
Worst Moment This Week: Probably having a child catch Marvin & I laughing as I was pretending to try out a breast pump at Target. Which only made us laugh even harder and run over to the next aisle. We're so mature. Other than that disaster and potentially scarring that child for life, I'm still dealing with back pain and round ligament pain - not excruciating, but definitely annoying. 
Miss anything: My brain & holiday cocktails.
Movement: Everyday!
Cravings: Chipotle salad, vinegar, salty stuff, cereal, and almond bark or yogurt covered pretzels - sometimes with peppermint.
Queasy or sick: Nothing is making me feel sick...feeling pretty good for the most part.
Looking forward to: More holiday fun!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Lil Baby Nutt // 21 weeks

How far along: 21 weeks, 1 day
Gender: Boy!
Weight gain: 4 lbs...I'll find out on Thursday last month's gain.
Maternity clothes: Same as previous week - not needing maternity clothes. Sticking mainly to leggings or sweats for comfort reasons.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Tossing and turning most nights this week.
Best Moment This Week: Feeling the baby kick from the outside and Marvin has been feeling baby boy too!  The past 3 days he has been so active and I love it! We also got baby's carseat this week, so this is really happening. :)
Worst Moment This Week: Feeling some aches and pains which I don't remember feeling this early with the girls, so I'm hoping that it's just the current position of the baby and not what I have to look forward to for the next 19 or so weeks!
Miss anything: Again, my brain. I won't even embarrass myself with sharing stories of my forgetfulness, randomness, and slowness. Ridiculous. All I can do is laugh at myself though!
Movement: Lots of it! I've finally had to "listen" to baby boy and stop laying on my stomach. Boo.
Cravings: Salads, tomatoes, avocado, vinegar, and a bowl (or 2...3...4...) of cereal at night.
Queasy or sick: Nothing is making me feel sick...feeling pretty good for the most part.
Looking forward to: Crossing off more Advent Calendar activities...I finally got around to planning our days. Also, looking forward to some holiday baking and finishing up Christmas shopping.

Monday, December 1, 2014
Lil Baby Nutt // 20 weeks

How far along: 20 weeks - halfway through!
Gender: Boy!
Weight gain: 4 lbs. 
Maternity clothes: Same as previous week - not needing maternity clothes. Sticking mainly to leggings or sweats for comfort reasons.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Once I get to sleep, I'm out, but getting comfortable is becoming a struggle.
Best Moment This Week: Non-pregnancy related, serving our community and starting Helping Holiday Hands has been a joy.  You can learn more about Helping Holiday Hands here.  Also, we decked our halls & Lolly (our elf) returned from the North Pole!
Worst Moment This Week: Starting to have trouble getting up from the couch, bed, and floor without sounding and looking like I'm 100 years old. Attractive, I know. And Marvin, I see you laughing at me every. single. time. :)
Miss anything: My smarts. Literally having the worst pregnancy brain ever. I feel like a space cadet 95% of the time.
Movement: I've been feeling movement daily, but still no kicks from the outside. C'mon baby boy, your daddy and sisters are waiting patiently to feel you!!
Cravings: I made collard greens for Thanksgiving with extra vinegar and I've been attacking the leftovers.  Also, 5 Guys french fries with vinegar & loads of ketchup. And tomatoes with balsamic vinegar, feta cheese, and black pepper. So, basically I have a thing for vinegar. Pass me the bottle.
Queasy or sick: Nothing is making me feel sick...feeling pretty good for the most part.
Looking forward to: Advent calendar activities which I have yet to come up with.  Last year, I had our calendar filled by Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to get it done tonight. And, like a broken record, for baby boy to get his kick on!