How far along: 19 weeks
Gender: Boy!
Weight gain: 4 lbs.
Maternity clothes: Jeans are officially cutting off my circulation when buttoned. Most of the time I'm in leggings or rigging my jeans.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Decent. I've got a pillow between my knees every night and wake up every time I need to roll over to my other side.
Best Moment This Week: Our final ultrasound. It was our anatomy scan and everything checked out great. We have been thanking God for a healthy baby - an incredible blessing. Baby boy was pretty stubborn at our appointment. He didn't move at all! The ultrasound tech had me change positions, so we could get a clearer shot of his heart. He turned just enough for her to confirm all is well and that is all. Little brat. :) Also, Marvin set up the best date night! He set up our living room and cooked a delicious meal for the two of us! Marvin hired the girls as waitstaff. They were so cute and did such a professional job! ;)
Worst Moment This Week: Back pain & round ligament pain is killing me. If I get up too fast, stretch, or sneeze, round ligament pain is right there to remind me that I'm pregnant!
Miss anything: I will miss having my mimosa or bloody mary while I start cooking on Thanksgiving morning. Boo.
Movement: Feeling more movement late at night, but nothing that can be felt from the outside yet. The ultrasound tech said that it's because of how my placenta is positioned.
Cravings: Same as last week. I did have a random craving late one night for Queen City BBQ's collard greens smothered in one of their vinegar based sauces. I didn't act on it in fear of getting arrested for breaking and entering.
Queasy or sick: Feeling good!
Looking forward to: Tomorrow we are headed to Sophia's school to hear her read her "Thankful" essay and excited to hear Marvin and the girls' thankful lists this year. The ticket to our Thanksgiving dinner is a list of 27 things they're thankful for. :)
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