
Monday, October 27, 2014
Lil Baby Nutt // 15 weeks

How far along: 15 weeks
Gender: Gender determination ultrasound this week!
Weight gain: Zero, but with Halloween candy lying around soon...this is bound to change!
Maternity clothes: Some - mainly for comfort reasons. A couple of basic shirts & really soft leggings.
Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Where did that energy I was bragging about a week ago go? I've been napping daily and sleeping great at night this week!
Best Moment This Week: Sophia had a great school conference (Paris hasn't had hers yet), we had a fun BBQ & watched Hocus Pocus last weekend, and my mom got a puppy named Oreo! We recently lost our family dog, Rascal, so I'm happy that the new pup will bring them some joy! Also, the girls went to Parents Night Out at Sophie's gym, so Marvin & I had a solid 4 hours to get takeout and rent a movie. Heavenly!
Worst Moment This Week: On a light note...the development of "pregnancy mask" that showed up on my chin that we have cutely coined "soul patch". I had it with both the girls and it went away shortly after giving birth, but I was crossing my fingers that I would bypass this fun little prego symptom this time. Time to invest in some good concealer. :)
Miss anything: ENERGY.
Movement: Yes! Still little flutters.
Cravings: Ice cold beer (it's always the stuff you can't have!), toast with mayo, avocado, cold tomatoes, salt & pepper, and I've had quite the sweet tooth.
Queasy or sick: Nope.
Looking forward to: The ultrasound & HALLOWEEN!

Just for fun!
Gender Predicting
O L D  W I V E S  T A L E S
Baby's Heartrate
Below 140bpm  Above 140bpm
Chinese Gender Calendar
Boy  Girl
Baking Soda Test
Fizz  No Fizz
Salty  Sweet
Dry  Soft
Morning Sickness/Nausea
None  Yes
Yes  No
Mayan Legend
Boy  Girl

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